Perfume Creation in Paris

French Perfume CreationAnother new project, a Perfume workshop, is especially exciting and unique way to experience Parisian life and French culture.
Through my friend Patricia I met Victoria, an elegant Parisienne who is a well-respected nez or nose, the French term for a Purfumer. After ten years working in fashion for Pierre Cardin, Victoria followed her passison for perfume by completing a rigorous four-year course in perfume creation. In 2005, with great acclaim Victoria launched a line of five fragrances to much critical success. However, she soon realized that the business of perfume was far from her love of creation and decided to focus her efforts on creation as a consultant for several major brands. She also trains professional perfumers in her Paris Laboratory.
Working exclusively with Paris Private Guides, Victoria has created an entertaining and educational workshop that explores the alchemy of perfume.
The first of its kind offered in English in Paris, workshop participants will gain an understanding of scent components and the process of creating perfume. Learn how the top middle and base notes define the unique signature of a perfume. How to select the perfect personal fragance - your signature scent.
The workshop is held in Patricia's lovely home where she has created an equally inviting ambiance in a classic Paris apartment overlooking the Eiffel Tower.
It’s a wonderful opportunity to better understand perfume and get a glimpse into real Parisian life. Read more about the perfume workshop
Don't forget to return tomorrow to read about my meeting two Icons of French Fashion and Music. A demain!

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